
Day: All | Sun
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Date & Time Location Home Team Score Away Team
Sun Jan 30
10:00 am
Winona C Passive Obsessives 13 6 Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails
Winona C Pray For Us 1 13 Nacho Cheese
Winona N Black Tie Affair 7 13 Chan-pions
Winona N Suck it Trebeck! 12 14 Puffed Wheat
Winona S Mandy Patinkin 13 5 Foot Long
Winona S strangers in the rain... 9 11 Sponsored by Tide
1:00 pm Are we all that lazy? 4 13 Sumpthin' Smutty...
Kits Team 10 13 Ur-In Touble
Mojo 12 14 Bakin'
Wet Dog 11 13 The King's Pirates
Sun Feb 13
10:00 am
Columbia C Puffed Wheat 13 5 Foot Long
Columbia C Suck it Trebeck! 11 13 Mandy Patinkin
Winona C Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails 5 13 Sponsored by Tide
Winona N Passive Obsessives 13 6 strangers in the rain...
Winona S Nacho Cheese 8 9 Chan-pions
Winona S Pray For Us 10 4 Black Tie Affair
11:30 am Columbia C Puffed Wheat 13 10 Mandy Patinkin
Columbia C Suck it Trebeck! 13 8 Foot Long
Winona C Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails 13 10 strangers in the rain...
Winona N Passive Obsessives 6 13 Sponsored by Tide
Winona S Nacho Cheese 13 7 Black Tie Affair
Winona S Pray For Us 9 7 Chan-pions
1:00 pm Are we all that lazy? 13 9 Kits Team
Bakin' 13 7 The King's Pirates
Mojo 13 11 Wet Dog
Sumpthin' Smutty... 15 13 Ur-In Touble
2:30 pm Are we all that lazy? 11 13 Ur-In Touble
Bakin' 10 13 Wet Dog
Mojo 13 8 The King's Pirates
Sumpthin' Smutty... 13 9 Kits Team
Sun Feb 20
10:00 am
Winona C Nacho Cheese 10 13 Sponsored by Tide
Winona C Pray For Us 13 11 strangers in the rain...
Winona N Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails 10 13 Puffed Wheat
Winona N Passive Obsessives 14 13 Suck it Trebeck!
Winona S Black Tie Affair 2 13 Mandy Patinkin
Winona S Chan-pions 12 13 Foot Long
11:30 am Winona C Nacho Cheese 10 9 strangers in the rain...
Winona C Pray For Us 9 11 Sponsored by Tide
Winona N Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails 7 13 Suck it Trebeck!
Winona N Passive Obsessives 8 13 Puffed Wheat
Winona S Black Tie Affair 6 13 Foot Long
Winona S Chan-pions 9 13 Mandy Patinkin
1:00 pm Are we all that lazy? 12 14 Wet Dog
Bakin' 12 13 Ur-In Touble
Mojo 11 11 Kits Team
Sumpthin' Smutty... 13 8 The King's Pirates
2:30 pm Are we all that lazy? 13 10 The King's Pirates
Bakin' 11 8 Kits Team
Mojo 5 13 Ur-In Touble
Sumpthin' Smutty... 11 14 Wet Dog
Sun Feb 27
10:00 am
Winona C Sponsored by Tide 13 11 Puffed Wheat
Winona C strangers in the rain... 12 14 Suck it Trebeck!
Winona N Nacho Cheese 6 13 Foot Long
Winona N Pray For Us 8 13 Mandy Patinkin
Winona S Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails 6 13 Chan-pions
Winona S Passive Obsessives 13 6 Black Tie Affair
11:30 am Winona C Sponsored by Tide 14 12 Suck it Trebeck!
Winona C strangers in the rain... 9 13 Puffed Wheat
Winona N Nacho Cheese 5 13 Mandy Patinkin
Winona N Pray For Us 8 12 Foot Long
Winona S Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails 14 13 Black Tie Affair
Winona S Passive Obsessives 13 4 Chan-pions
1:00 pm Are we all that lazy? 13 6 Mojo
Kits Team 6 13 Wet Dog
Sumpthin' Smutty... 13 10 Bakin'
Ur-In Touble 13 7 The King's Pirates
2:30 pm Are we all that lazy? 13 9 Bakin'
Kits Team 13 4 The King's Pirates
Sumpthin' Smutty... 12 14 Mojo
Ur-In Touble 10 13 Wet Dog
Sun Mar 6
10:00 am
Winona C Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails 6 13 Foot Long
Winona C Passive Obsessives 8 13 Mandy Patinkin
Winona N Sponsored by Tide 13 4 Chan-pions
Winona N strangers in the rain... 13 5 Black Tie Affair
Winona S Nacho Cheese 9 13 Puffed Wheat
Winona S Pray For Us 10 13 Suck it Trebeck!
11:30 am Winona C Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails 14 13 Mandy Patinkin
Winona C Passive Obsessives 13 7 Foot Long
Winona N Sponsored by Tide 13 3 Black Tie Affair
Winona N strangers in the rain... 7 13 Chan-pions
Winona S Nacho Cheese 9 13 Suck it Trebeck!
Winona S Pray For Us 10 13 Puffed Wheat
1:00 pm Are we all that lazy? 13 2 Kits Team
Bakin' 13 2 The King's Pirates
Mojo 7 13 Wet Dog
Sumpthin' Smutty... 5 13 Ur-In Touble
2:30 pm Are we all that lazy? 13 8 Ur-In Touble
Bakin' 10 13 Wet Dog
Mojo 13 3 The King's Pirates
Sumpthin' Smutty... 13 7 Kits Team
Sun Mar 13
10:00 am
Columbia C Sponsored by Tide 13 9 Foot Long
Columbia C strangers in the rain... 8 11 Mandy Patinkin
Winona C Pray For Us 13 12 Passive Obsessives
Winona N Nacho Cheese 4 13 Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails
Winona S Black Tie Affair 7 13 Suck it Trebeck!
Winona S Chan-pions 14 13 Puffed Wheat
11:30 am Columbia C Sponsored by Tide 13 7 Mandy Patinkin
Columbia C strangers in the rain... 14 12 Foot Long
Winona C Pray For Us 13 10 Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails
Winona N Nacho Cheese 13 8 Passive Obsessives
Winona S Black Tie Affair 6 13 Puffed Wheat
Winona S Chan-pions 13 10 Suck it Trebeck!
1:00 pm Are we all that lazy? 0 0 Wet Dog
Bakin' 5 13 Ur-In Touble
Mojo 10 12 Kits Team
Sumpthin' Smutty... 13 6 The King's Pirates
2:30 pm Are we all that lazy? 13 2 The King's Pirates
Bakin' 13 7 Kits Team
Mojo 6 13 Ur-In Touble
Sumpthin' Smutty... 8 13 Wet Dog
Sun Mar 20
10:00 am
Winona C Puffed Wheat Cancelled Mandy Patinkin
Winona C Sponsored by Tide Cancelled Suck it Trebeck!
Winona N Chan-pions Cancelled Foot Long
Winona N Passive Obsessives Cancelled Pray For Us
Winona S Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails Postponed Black Tie Affair
Winona S Nacho Cheese Postponed strangers in the rain...
11:30 am Winona C Puffed Wheat Cancelled Suck it Trebeck!
Winona C Sponsored by Tide Cancelled Mandy Patinkin
Winona N Chan-pions 6 6 Pray For Us
Winona N Passive Obsessives Cancelled Foot Long
Winona S Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails Postponed strangers in the rain...
Winona S Nacho Cheese Postponed Black Tie Affair
1:00 pm Are we all that lazy? Cancelled Mojo
Kits Team Postponed Wet Dog
Sumpthin' Smutty... Cancelled Bakin'
Ur-In Touble Postponed The King's Pirates
2:30 pm Are we all that lazy? Postponed Bakin'
Kits Team Postponed The King's Pirates
Sumpthin' Smutty... Cancelled Mojo
Ur-In Touble Postponed Wet Dog
Sun Mar 27
10:00 am
Winona C Captain Mark and the Deleted Emails Nacho Cheese
Winona C strangers in the rain... Black Tie Affair
Winona N Mandy Patinkin Suck it Trebeck!
Winona N Sponsored by Tide Puffed Wheat
Winona S Chan-pions Passive Obsessives
Winona S Foot Long Pray For Us
1:00 pm Are we all that lazy? Sumpthin' Smutty...
Kits Team 7 13 Ur-In Touble
Mojo Bakin'
Wet Dog The King's Pirates