
Day: All | Sun | Mon | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Wed
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Date & Time Location Home Team Score Away Team
Mon May 6
6:30 pm
Balaclava Mister Chung's 13 7 Absolute Chaos
Balaclava Panic with the disc(o) 7 6 Mustard Seeds
Jericho E Chubby Pandas 1 5 BIG DUMPLINGS
Jericho E Trigger Happy 9 5 Tofu Stack
Point Grey SQUIRREL Forfeited Cuzins
Point Grey The Hucking Fooligans 0 13 G-raff A-ttack
Rupert C Muzz LordZ 5 13 Sky Hoes
Rupert C Team Adequate 4 10 Bigger Blacker Backhands
Van Tech Oval Ernold and Friends 6 9 Bone Hucks-N-Harmony
Van Tech Oval Marty 10 11 Blades of Glory
Winona N Fire Ferrets 7 9 Disconnect
Winona N Tsunami 6 10 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Winona S Doggie Style 13 5 Soup Du Jour
Winona S Koopa Troopas 13 8 Throwbocops
6:45 pm Empire S Discord 15 17 Strangers
Empire S Hammer Beats Rabbit 17 10 Doghouse
Memorial O Monday Mix 14 8 Double-stranded Cuts
Oak Meadows Talk Nerdy To Me 12 12 The Frisbee's Knees
Oak Meadows Weeble Las Vegas! 16 17 Egregious
Trafalgar NW Just a Fling 13 12 Bigger Disc Energy
7:15 pm Jericho W Canada Butters 13 0 SQUlD
Jericho W Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 13 3 The Cleat Tauruses
Memorial SW Discalicious 10 13 Flick It To Ride
Memorial SW yeet haw 10 11 Bubble Bees
Trillium E Bahalalala 9 10 The Monday Foxes
Trillium E BDO 7 5 Huckanda Forever!
Trillium W 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers 10 7 Rain City
Trillium W Horse is the best animal 5 7 Unbounce
7:45 pm Balaclava Mister Chung's 10 5 Mustard Seeds
Balaclava Panic with the disc(o) 7 5 Absolute Chaos
Jericho E Chubby Pandas 5 7 Tofu Stack
Jericho E Trigger Happy 7 1 BIG DUMPLINGS
Rupert C Muzz LordZ 9 8 Bigger Blacker Backhands
Rupert C Team Adequate 5 11 Sky Hoes
Van Tech Oval Ernold and Friends 9 9 Blades of Glory
Van Tech Oval Marty 9 12 Bone Hucks-N-Harmony
Winona N Fire Ferrets 8 8 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Winona N Tsunami 7 10 Disconnect
Winona S Doggie Style 9 12 Throwbocops
Winona S Koopa Troopas 5 13 Soup Du Jour
7:50 pm Point Grey SQUIRREL Cancelled G-raff A-ttack
Point Grey The Hucking Fooligans 4 13 Cuzins
8:40 pm Jericho W Canada Butters 13 1 The Cleat Tauruses
Jericho W Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 13 4 SQUlD
Trillium E Bahalalala 9 5 Huckanda Forever!
Trillium E BDO 5 7 The Monday Foxes
Trillium W 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers 4 13 Unbounce
Trillium W Horse is the best animal 13 7 Rain City
Tue May 7
6:30 pm
Balaclava Dark Side Of The Disc 13 6 The Marauders
Balaclava The Greendale 7 1 7 The Frizzles
Jericho E Identity Crisis 8 8 Gentle Warriors
Jericho E WTF 10 5 Illegal Smile
Kingcrest Friends of Friends 6 13 Discpicable Me
Kingcrest Plaid to the Bone 10 8 Critters
Rupert C Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU) 11 6 Chronically Injured Care Bears
Rupert C Ultimate BBT Too 13 2 suggondeezhucks
Trafalgar NW BubbleHucks 7 3 H-Bar
Trafalgar NW Slowpokes 7 13 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles
Van Tech Oval Flickle Me Elmo 11 4 Summer Beer League
Van Tech Oval Tricorne! 2 6 DiscThrow Inferno
Winona N Flickachu 10 4 Sunny D's
Winona N Suns Out, Guns Out 12 5 Rookie Monsters
Winona S Egg Salad Sandwich 1 11 Sugoi
Winona S Huck It 12 6 Those Meddling Kids
6:45 pm John Hendry NE Gritty in Pink Default Kingsway's Finest
Memorial O Catchphrase 8 17 Here for the Beer
Memorial O Disc Monkeys 12 14 Cache The Disc
Oak Meadows Big Disc Energy 12 13 Little Giants
Oak Meadows New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame 16 5 Mighty Rookies
7:15 pm Memorial SW The Perogies 17 14 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
Trillium E Go the Disc-tance 2 10 FLICK YEAH
Trillium E Jane Hua 3 10 subtle asian throwers
Trillium W FLiC Fam 13 4 freshavocado
Trillium W Princess Layout 9 9 UwUltimate
7:40 pm Balaclava Dark Side Of The Disc 13 6 The Frizzles
Balaclava The Greendale 7 7 5 The Marauders
Jericho E Identity Crisis 4 8 Illegal Smile
Jericho E WTF 7 5 Gentle Warriors
Kingcrest Friends of Friends 6 12 Critters
Kingcrest Plaid to the Bone 10 12 Discpicable Me
Rupert C Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU) 13 3 suggondeezhucks
Rupert C Ultimate BBT Too 7 7 Chronically Injured Care Bears
Trafalgar NW BubbleHucks 5 6 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles
Trafalgar NW Slowpokes 8 11 H-Bar
Van Tech Oval Flickle Me Elmo 11 4 DiscThrow Inferno
Van Tech Oval Tricorne! 3 9 Summer Beer League
Winona N Flickachu 7 2 Rookie Monsters
Winona N Suns Out, Guns Out 6 5 Sunny D's
Winona S Egg Salad Sandwich 4 7 Those Meddling Kids
Winona S Huck It 7 11 Sugoi
8:40 pm Trillium E Go the Disc-tance 4 12 subtle asian throwers
Trillium E Jane Hua 6 8 FLICK YEAH
Trillium W FLiC Fam 12 6 UwUltimate
Trillium W Princess Layout 13 10 freshavocado
Wed May 8
6:30 pm
Adanac NW Frisbaes 10 10 Piper Palooza
Adanac NW Goal Mountain 9 10 Gentle Warriors 2
Balaclava Stacked​ 11 8 Likastik
Balaclava Wok Don't Run. 11 9 Big chungus
Empire N Hotpot Mafia 7 7 Wyld Throws
Empire N Xiao Long Baos 13 2 New Disc Who Dis?
Empire S URFT 10 11 Absolute Zeroes
Empire S Venom 11 11 zoi
Jericho E Big DISCount 7 3 Beta Blockers
Jericho E Try Catch Block 2 11 Huckin' East Van Canucks
Oak Meadows Eat Disc 10 9 Chick Flix
Oak Meadows JusDISC League 8 10 Big Disc Pod
Rupert C Local Pint 1 8 Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray!
Rupert C Throwtatoes 5 7 Dim Sum Warriors
Winona N Marvellous Meerkatz 5 13 Fullmetal
Winona N ReTox 6 10 Break Side
Winona S Azure D 8 13 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
Winona S Butterfingers 12 10 Arbutus Anubis
6:45 pm Kingcrest Batteries Not Included 10 17 Dinner Club
Memorial O Moose ick 17 7 Cut Club
Slocan C Hehe XD 12 13 AYCE
Strathcona EC Petri Discs 5 15 Wednesday Wave
Trafalgar NW Skywalkers 14 12 Victorious Secret
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E 21 Dump Street 10 14 Random Fling
Andy Livingstone E Finger on the Disc 11 6 Floppy Discs!
Jericho W Burning Sensation! 11 7 Hucking Hooligians
Jericho W No. 9 Orange 13 4 Dynamics Disc
Memorial SW Steven and the Stevens 13 10 Ultimate BBT
7:45 pm Adanac NW Frisbaes 6 10 Gentle Warriors 2
Adanac NW Goal Mountain 10 14 Piper Palooza
Balaclava Stacked​ 12 6 Big chungus
Balaclava Wok Don't Run. 7 11 Likastik
Empire N Hotpot Mafia 6 13 New Disc Who Dis?
Empire N Xiao Long Baos 11 6 Wyld Throws
Empire S URFT 8 12 zoi
Empire S Venom 11 8 Absolute Zeroes
Jericho E Big DISCount 9 6 Huckin' East Van Canucks
Jericho E Try Catch Block 3 7 Beta Blockers
Oak Meadows Eat Disc 7 10 Big Disc Pod
Oak Meadows JusDISC League 8 9 Chick Flix
Rupert C Local Pint 6 10 Dim Sum Warriors
Rupert C Throwtatoes 4 9 Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray!
Winona N Marvellous Meerkatz 13 11 Break Side
Winona N ReTox 10 12 Fullmetal
Winona S Azure D 13 10 Arbutus Anubis
Winona S Butterfingers 6 13 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
8:40 pm Jericho W Burning Sensation! 13 2 Dynamics Disc
Jericho W No. 9 Orange 10 5 Hucking Hooligians
Thu May 9
6:30 pm
Balaclava Flick N Twisted 13 6 Ytterbium
Balaclava Roshi 7 9 4 Winds
Oak Meadows At Least My Disc Stays Up 7 8 The Gino Odj-discs
Oak Meadows Teamocil 12 7 Jeremy's Disk
Winona N Intercepticons 6 8 Ooga Booga
Winona N yeet hay 11 7 Hand of Chal
Winona S Disc Infernos 9 8 Tosstitos
Winona S Ligma Disc 4 7 Herniated Discs
6:45 pm Churchill Oval Spinister Motives 9 17 90s Throwback
Churchill Oval Unfits 17 13 Loaf
Kingcrest Jedi Force 8 17 JUST SEND IT
Kingcrest Pentamala 14 7 Ultimate Scrubs
Memorial O Dragon Sound 13 15 RainCity Ultimate Club
Memorial O Filet o Flick 17 9 Rain City Ultimate Club
Rupert C Mediocre At Best 16 5 Sauder Stratediscs
Rupert C Trust The Process 15 7 Threwbacca
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E friendzone 6 13 BEARHAWKS
Andy Livingstone E SSB 11 9 Craicheads
Andy Livingstone W Battlecats and Friends 10 5 Mighty Hucking Power Rangers
Andy Livingstone W Salt shakers 6 11 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire N Total Discheads 13 6 Psyhucks
Empire N Ultimate Evil 6 10 The Spinnakers
Empire S East Van Halen 9 10 Try, Catch, Throw
Empire S Lego Inferno 13 3 Lost and Found
Jericho W Ddu-du-dumplings 13 4 Panic at the Discus
Jericho W Sideways Shoe 7 11 LeBron James Playoff Chances
Memorial SW Danger Zone 11 9 WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?!
Memorial SW Neon Disc-zaster! 6 12 Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken
Trillium E Scoober Doober Doo 10 9 I huck you 3000
Trillium E Team Toilet Bowl 7 13 Pac-Man
Trillium W Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday) 13 9 Chester Fields 2.0
Trillium W Night Cawks 5 13 Wrists of Fury
7:45 pm Balaclava Flick N Twisted 8 13 4 Winds
Balaclava Roshi 11 8 Ytterbium
Oak Meadows At Least My Disc Stays Up 4 13 Jeremy's Disk
Oak Meadows Teamocil 13 6 The Gino Odj-discs
Winona N Intercepticons 12 13 Hand of Chal
Winona N yeet hay 12 10 Ooga Booga
Winona S Disc Infernos 9 7 Herniated Discs
Winona S Ligma Disc 9 12 Tosstitos
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E friendzone 9 11 Craicheads
Andy Livingstone E SSB 7 10 BEARHAWKS
Andy Livingstone W Battlecats and Friends 13 7 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Andy Livingstone W Salt shakers 8 10 Mighty Hucking Power Rangers
Empire N Total Discheads 12 10 The Spinnakers
Empire N Ultimate Evil 7 7 Psyhucks
Empire S East Van Halen 13 4 Lost and Found
Empire S Lego Inferno 6 6 Try, Catch, Throw
Jericho W Ddu-du-dumplings 3 13 LeBron James Playoff Chances
Jericho W Sideways Shoe 13 3 Panic at the Discus
Memorial SW Danger Zone 13 7 Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken
Memorial SW Neon Disc-zaster! 8 13 WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?!
Trillium E Scoober Doober Doo 4 13 Pac-Man
Trillium E Team Toilet Bowl 8 6 I huck you 3000
Trillium W Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday) 8 13 Wrists of Fury
Trillium W Night Cawks 13 4 Chester Fields 2.0
Mon May 13
6:30 pm
Balaclava Rain City 3 13 The Monday Foxes
Balaclava Unbounce 13 10 Huckanda Forever!
Empire S BIG DUMPLINGS 5 12 Panic with the disc(o)
Empire S Tofu Stack 8 8 Mister Chung's
Jericho E 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers 7 7 Bahalalala
Jericho E Horse is the best animal 6 6 BDO
Memorial O SQUlD 6 13 Cuzins
Memorial O The Cleat Tauruses Cancelled G-raff A-ttack
Oak Meadows Canada Butters 13 7 SQUIRREL
Oak Meadows Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 13 4 The Hucking Fooligans
Point Grey Blades of Glory 10 13 Bigger Blacker Backhands
Point Grey Bone Hucks-N-Harmony 5 13 Sky Hoes
Winona N Doghouse 6 7 Strangers
Winona N Hammer Beats Rabbit 10 7 Discord
Winona S Bubble Bees 6 12 Flick It To Ride
Winona S yeet haw 13 7 Discalicious
6:45 pm Kingcrest Trigger Happy 17 4 Chubby Pandas
Rupert C Koopa Troopas 15 9 Doggie Style
Rupert C Throwbocops 17 14 Soup Du Jour
Van Tech Oval Disconnect 17 8 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Van Tech Oval Fire Ferrets 14 17 Tsunami
7:15 pm Jericho W Ernold and Friends 13 8 Muzz LordZ
Jericho W Marty 13 7 Team Adequate
Memorial SW Absolute Chaos 6 12 Just a Fling
Memorial SW Mustard Seeds 4 13 Bigger Disc Energy
Trillium E Double-stranded Cuts 3 17 Weeble Las Vegas!
Trillium W Egregious 17 8 Talk Nerdy To Me
Trillium W The Frisbee's Knees 16 9 Monday Mix
7:50 pm Balaclava Rain City 13 11 Huckanda Forever!
Balaclava Unbounce 10 9 The Monday Foxes
Empire S BIG DUMPLINGS 4 7 Mister Chung's
Empire S Tofu Stack 7 9 Panic with the disc(o)
Jericho E 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers 2 9 BDO
Jericho E Horse is the best animal 9 10 Bahalalala
Memorial O SQUlD 6 13 G-raff A-ttack
Memorial O The Cleat Tauruses Forfeited Cuzins
Oak Meadows Canada Butters 13 5 The Hucking Fooligans
Oak Meadows Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 13 5 SQUIRREL
Point Grey Blades of Glory 10 13 Sky Hoes
Point Grey Bone Hucks-N-Harmony 14 13 Bigger Blacker Backhands
Winona N Doghouse 9 13 Discord
Winona N Hammer Beats Rabbit 10 11 Strangers
Winona S Bubble Bees 12 10 Discalicious
Winona S yeet haw 8 9 Flick It To Ride
8:40 pm Jericho W Ernold and Friends 5 10 Team Adequate
Jericho W Marty 12 10 Muzz LordZ
Memorial SW Absolute Chaos 6 13 Bigger Disc Energy
Memorial SW Mustard Seeds 3 13 Just a Fling
Tue May 14
6:30 pm
Balaclava BubbleHucks 9 11 Plaid to the Bone
Balaclava Slowpokes 8 6 Friends of Friends
Jericho E Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles Cancelled Discpicable Me
Jericho E H-Bar Cancelled Critters
Memorial O Dark Side Of The Disc 13 7 WTF
Memorial O The Greendale 7 11 7 Identity Crisis
Oak Meadows The Frizzles 5 7 Gentle Warriors
Oak Meadows The Marauders 7 10 Illegal Smile
Rupert C Rookie Monsters 7 4 Egg Salad Sandwich
Rupert C Sunny D's 5 11 Huck It
Van Tech Oval Sugoi 8 7 Kingsway's Finest
Van Tech Oval Those Meddling Kids 6 7 Gritty in Pink
Winona N FLICK YEAH 10 7 Princess Layout
Winona N subtle asian throwers 6 13 FLiC Fam
Winona S freshavocado 2 13 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
Winona S UwUltimate 4 11 The Perogies
6:45 pm John Hendry NE Go the Disc-tance Cancelled Jane Hua
Kingcrest Flickachu 9 17 Suns Out, Guns Out
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E suggondeezhucks 14 15 Chronically Injured Care Bears
Andy Livingstone E Ultimate BBT Too 10 13 Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU)
Memorial SW Flickle Me Elmo 18 4 Tricorne!
Memorial SW Summer Beer League 14 17 DiscThrow Inferno
Trillium E Cache The Disc 5 12 Here for the Beer
Trillium E Disc Monkeys 8 6 Catchphrase
Trillium W Mighty Rookies 4 6 Little Giants
Trillium W New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame 11 4 Big Disc Energy
7:45 pm Balaclava BubbleHucks 9 5 Friends of Friends
Balaclava Slowpokes 11 10 Plaid to the Bone
Jericho E Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles Cancelled Critters
Jericho E H-Bar Cancelled Discpicable Me
Memorial O Dark Side Of The Disc 13 6 Identity Crisis
Memorial O The Greendale 7 13 7 WTF
Oak Meadows The Frizzles 6 11 Illegal Smile
Oak Meadows The Marauders 8 2 Gentle Warriors
Rupert C Rookie Monsters 8 12 Huck It
Rupert C Sunny D's 13 9 Egg Salad Sandwich
Van Tech Oval Sugoi 6 4 Gritty in Pink
Van Tech Oval Those Meddling Kids 8 5 Kingsway's Finest
Winona N FLICK YEAH Cancelled FLiC Fam
Winona N subtle asian throwers 7 8 Princess Layout
Winona S freshavocado 5 13 The Perogies
Winona S UwUltimate 4 13 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
8:40 pm Trillium E Cache The Disc 1 4 Catchphrase
Trillium E Disc Monkeys 1 13 Here for the Beer
Trillium W Mighty Rookies 6 8 Big Disc Energy
Trillium W New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame 5 2 Little Giants
Wed May 15
6:30 pm
Adanac NW Dynamics Disc 6 9 Ultimate BBT
Adanac NW Hucking Hooligians 8 4 Steven and the Stevens
Balaclava Dim Sum Warriors 7 7 Frisbaes
Balaclava Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray! 7 5 Goal Mountain
Empire N Big chungus 6 9 JusDISC League
Empire N Likastik 10 11 Eat Disc
Empire S Big Disc Pod 13 5 Skywalkers
Empire S Chick Flix 7 8 Victorious Secret
Oak Meadows Gentle Warriors 2 11 4 Hehe XD
Oak Meadows Piper Palooza 8 2 AYCE
Rupert C Beta Blockers 11 7 Burning Sensation!
Rupert C Huckin' East Van Canucks 6 13 No. 9 Orange
Winona N Hotpot Mafia 9 9 URFT
Winona N Xiao Long Baos 11 4 Venom
Winona S New Disc Who Dis? 9 10 zoi
Winona S Wyld Throws 9 10 Absolute Zeroes
6:45 pm Jericho E Batteries Not Included 13 8 Cut Club
Kingcrest Wednesday Wave 17 5 21 Dump Street
Memorial O Floppy Discs! 15 4 Petri Discs
Memorial O Random Fling 5 17 Finger on the Disc
Slocan C Big DISCount 13 2 Try Catch Block
Strathcona EC Wok Don't Run. 5 17 Stacked​
Trafalgar NW Local Pint 9 10 Throwtatoes
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Break Side 11 5 Arbutus Anubis
Andy Livingstone E Fullmetal 9 13 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
Jericho W Dinner Club 13 8 Moose ick
Memorial SW Marvellous Meerkatz 6 13 Azure D
Memorial SW ReTox 13 2 Butterfingers
7:50 pm Adanac NW Dynamics Disc 4 9 Steven and the Stevens
Adanac NW Hucking Hooligians 7 5 Ultimate BBT
Balaclava Dim Sum Warriors 12 3 Goal Mountain
Balaclava Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray! 7 5 Frisbaes
Empire N Big chungus 6 10 Eat Disc
Empire N Likastik 6 4 JusDISC League
Empire S Big Disc Pod 13 3 Victorious Secret
Empire S Chick Flix 7 9 Skywalkers
Oak Meadows Gentle Warriors 2 13 4 AYCE
Oak Meadows Piper Palooza 6 4 Hehe XD
Rupert C Beta Blockers 6 13 No. 9 Orange
Rupert C Huckin' East Van Canucks 7 9 Burning Sensation!
Winona N Hotpot Mafia 8 8 Venom
Winona N Xiao Long Baos 12 6 URFT
Winona S New Disc Who Dis? 13 6 Absolute Zeroes
Winona S Wyld Throws 9 12 zoi
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Break Side 12 11 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
Andy Livingstone E Fullmetal 13 8 Arbutus Anubis
Memorial SW ReTox 8 13 Azure D
Strathcona EC Marvellous Meerkatz 13 10 Butterfingers
Thu May 16
6:30 pm
Kingcrest BEARHAWKS 10 9 Mighty Hucking Power Rangers
Kingcrest Craicheads 6 12 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Memorial O LeBron James Playoff Chances 8 7 WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?!
Memorial O Panic at the Discus 4 9 Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken
Rupert C friendzone 5 13 Battlecats and Friends
Rupert C SSB 13 0 Salt shakers
Winona S Ddu-du-dumplings Default Neon Disc-zaster!
Winona S Sideways Shoe 6 13 Danger Zone
6:45 pm Balaclava Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday) 10 17 Night Cawks
Balaclava Chester Fields 2.0 12 15 Wrists of Fury
Churchill Oval The Spinnakers 17 16 Psyhucks
Churchill Oval Ultimate Evil 11 17 Total Discheads
Oak Meadows East Van Halen 14 16 Lego Inferno
Oak Meadows Try, Catch, Throw 8 13 Lost and Found
Winona N I huck you 3000 3 17 Pac-Man
Winona N Scoober Doober Doo 9 11 Team Toilet Bowl
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Intercepticons 7 13 Flick N Twisted
Andy Livingstone E yeet hay 8 8 Roshi
Andy Livingstone W Hand of Chal 10 12 4 Winds
Andy Livingstone W Ooga Booga 10 5 Ytterbium
Empire N Mediocre At Best 7 8 Trust The Process
Empire N Sauder Stratediscs 11 6 Threwbacca
Empire S Jedi Force 10 6 Pentamala
Empire S JUST SEND IT 8 4 Ultimate Scrubs
Jericho W Disc Infernos 7 13 Teamocil
Jericho W Ligma Disc 9 6 At Least My Disc Stays Up
Memorial SW Herniated Discs 13 3 The Gino Odj-discs
Memorial SW Tosstitos 2 13 Jeremy's Disk
Trillium E Loaf 3 13 90s Throwback
Trillium E Unfits 13 10 Spinister Motives
Trillium W Filet o Flick 13 4 Dragon Sound
Trillium W Rain City Ultimate Club 3 11 RainCity Ultimate Club
7:50 pm Kingcrest BEARHAWKS 7 8 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Kingcrest Craicheads 10 11 Mighty Hucking Power Rangers
Memorial O LeBron James Playoff Chances 9 8 Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken
Memorial O Panic at the Discus 3 13 WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?!
Rupert C friendzone 13 7 Salt shakers
Rupert C SSB 5 13 Battlecats and Friends
Winona S Ddu-du-dumplings 3 13 Danger Zone
Winona S Sideways Shoe 11 8 Neon Disc-zaster!
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Intercepticons 11 10 Roshi
Andy Livingstone E yeet hay 7 11 Flick N Twisted
Andy Livingstone W Hand of Chal 13 5 Ytterbium
Andy Livingstone W Ooga Booga 13 12 4 Winds
Empire N Mediocre At Best 8 9 Threwbacca
Empire N Sauder Stratediscs 10 6 Trust The Process
Empire S Jedi Force 12 5 Ultimate Scrubs
Empire S JUST SEND IT 13 1 Pentamala
Jericho W Disc Infernos 10 8 At Least My Disc Stays Up
Jericho W Ligma Disc 5 13 Teamocil
Memorial SW Herniated Discs 3 13 Jeremy's Disk
Memorial SW Tosstitos 13 9 The Gino Odj-discs
Trillium E Loaf 9 11 Spinister Motives
Trillium E Unfits 6 13 90s Throwback
Trillium W Filet o Flick 13 2 RainCity Ultimate Club
Trillium W Rain City Ultimate Club 7 13 Dragon Sound
Mon May 20
6:30 pm
Adanac NW Doghouse 13 8 Bubble Bees
Adanac NW Hammer Beats Rabbit 10 11 yeet haw
Empire S 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers 1 13 The Monday Foxes
Empire S Horse is the best animal 9 3 Huckanda Forever!
Point Grey Disconnect 11 4 Throwbocops
Point Grey Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 5 13 Soup Du Jour
Rupert C Discord Cancelled Discalicious
Rupert C Strangers Cancelled Flick It To Ride
Winona N Chubby Pandas Cancelled Mustard Seeds
Winona N Trigger Happy Cancelled Absolute Chaos
Winona S Mister Chung's 8 9 Just a Fling
Winona S Panic with the disc(o) 8 10 Bigger Disc Energy
6:45 pm Balaclava Egregious 17 4 Double-stranded Cuts
Balaclava Talk Nerdy To Me Forfeited Monday Mix
Jericho E Weeble Las Vegas! 15 17 The Frisbee's Knees
Oak Meadows Blades of Glory 17 15 Bone Hucks-N-Harmony
Oak Meadows Marty Cancelled Ernold and Friends
Trafalgar NW Tofu Stack Cancelled BIG DUMPLINGS
Van Tech Oval Bigger Blacker Backhands Cancelled Sky Hoes
Van Tech Oval Team Adequate 17 8 Muzz LordZ
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Rain City 10 10 Bahalalala
Andy Livingstone E Unbounce Forfeited BDO
Jericho W Fire Ferrets 12 8 Koopa Troopas
Jericho W Tsunami 13 6 Doggie Style
Trillium E Canada Butters 13 10 Cuzins
Trillium E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 7 13 G-raff A-ttack
Trillium W SQUlD 5 13 SQUIRREL
Trillium W The Cleat Tauruses 6 13 The Hucking Fooligans
7:50 pm Empire S 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers 5 12 Huckanda Forever!
Empire S Horse is the best animal 7 11 The Monday Foxes
Point Grey Disconnect 13 11 Soup Du Jour
Point Grey Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 5 13 Throwbocops
7:55 pm Adanac NW Doghouse 11 8 yeet haw
Adanac NW Hammer Beats Rabbit 12 9 Bubble Bees
Rupert C Discord Cancelled Flick It To Ride
Rupert C Strangers Cancelled Discalicious
Winona N Chubby Pandas Cancelled Absolute Chaos
Winona N Trigger Happy Cancelled Mustard Seeds
Winona S Mister Chung's 8 11 Bigger Disc Energy
Winona S Panic with the disc(o) 12 6 Just a Fling
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Rain City Forfeited BDO
Andy Livingstone E Unbounce 7 13 Bahalalala
Jericho W Fire Ferrets 13 8 Doggie Style
Jericho W Tsunami 13 9 Koopa Troopas
Trillium E Canada Butters 13 9 G-raff A-ttack
Trillium E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 10 13 Cuzins
Trillium W SQUlD 8 13 The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium W The Cleat Tauruses 4 13 SQUIRREL
Tue May 21
6:30 pm
Balaclava Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU) 13 4 Tricorne!
Balaclava Ultimate BBT Too 5 13 Flickle Me Elmo
Jericho E Chronically Injured Care Bears 5 11 DiscThrow Inferno
Jericho E suggondeezhucks 7 12 Summer Beer League
Rupert C Go the Disc-tance 10 8 UwUltimate
Rupert C Jane Hua 8 7 freshavocado
Van Tech Oval FLiC Fam 9 6 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
Van Tech Oval Princess Layout 7 9 The Perogies
Winona N Cache The Disc 8 6 Mighty Rookies
Winona N Disc Monkeys 9 9 New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame
Winona S Catchphrase 12 4 Big Disc Energy
Winona S Here for the Beer 13 2 Little Giants
6:45 pm Kingcrest Sunny D's 13 17 Rookie Monsters
Memorial O BubbleHucks 17 10 Slowpokes
Memorial O H-Bar 14 17 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles
Oak Meadows Critters 17 9 Discpicable Me
Oak Meadows Plaid to the Bone 17 13 Friends of Friends
Trafalgar NW FLICK YEAH 15 11 subtle asian throwers
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Flickachu 7 9 Those Meddling Kids
Andy Livingstone E Suns Out, Guns Out 6 13 Sugoi
Memorial SW Egg Salad Sandwich 6 8 Kingsway's Finest
Memorial SW Huck It 11 8 Gritty in Pink
Trillium E Dark Side Of The Disc 13 1 Illegal Smile
Trillium E The Greendale 7 7 12 Gentle Warriors
Trillium W The Frizzles 8 9 Identity Crisis
Trillium W The Marauders 13 8 WTF
7:50 pm Balaclava Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU) 9 12 Flickle Me Elmo
Balaclava Ultimate BBT Too 13 4 Tricorne!
Jericho E Chronically Injured Care Bears 8 13 Summer Beer League
Jericho E suggondeezhucks 10 11 DiscThrow Inferno
Rupert C Go the Disc-tance 13 6 freshavocado
Rupert C Jane Hua 5 9 UwUltimate
Van Tech Oval FLiC Fam 9 5 The Perogies
Van Tech Oval Princess Layout 8 6 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
Winona N Cache The Disc 10 8 New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame
Winona N Disc Monkeys 13 3 Mighty Rookies
Winona S Catchphrase 10 3 Little Giants
Winona S Here for the Beer 13 3 Big Disc Energy
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Flickachu 9 7 Sugoi
Andy Livingstone E Suns Out, Guns Out 3 13 Those Meddling Kids
Memorial SW Egg Salad Sandwich 4 10 Gritty in Pink
Memorial SW Huck It 13 6 Kingsway's Finest
Trillium E Dark Side Of The Disc 13 6 Gentle Warriors
Trillium E The Greendale 7 13 11 Illegal Smile
Trillium W The Frizzles 8 13 WTF
Trillium W The Marauders 10 13 Identity Crisis
Wed May 22
6:30 pm
Balaclava Big DISCount 8 7 Hucking Hooligians
Balaclava Try Catch Block 6 10 Dynamics Disc
Empire N Local Pint 4 8 Gentle Warriors 2
Empire N Throwtatoes 6 8 Piper Palooza
Empire S Frisbaes 12 6 AYCE
Empire S Goal Mountain 5 8 Hehe XD
Kingcrest Marvellous Meerkatz 8 13 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
Kingcrest ReTox 13 7 Arbutus Anubis
Memorial O Break Side 12 9 Butterfingers
Memorial O Fullmetal 13 11 Azure D
Oak Meadows Burning Sensation! 7 10 Steven and the Stevens
Oak Meadows No. 9 Orange 9 1 Ultimate BBT
Winona N Stacked​ 11 13 Chick Flix
Winona N Wok Don't Run. 7 13 Big Disc Pod
Winona S Eat Disc 13 7 Victorious Secret
Winona S JusDISC League 12 10 Skywalkers
6:45 pm Adanac NW Dinner Club 17 10 Cut Club
Jericho E 21 Dump Street 8 15 Finger on the Disc
Jericho E Wednesday Wave 17 6 Floppy Discs!
Rupert C Batteries Not Included 17 12 Moose ick
Strathcona EC Hotpot Mafia 11 17 Xiao Long Baos
Strathcona EC Wyld Throws 12 17 New Disc Who Dis?
Trafalgar NW Beta Blockers 7 16 Huckin' East Van Canucks
Winona C Big chungus 8 13 Likastik
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Absolute Zeroes 13 17 zoi
Andy Livingstone E URFT 11 12 Venom
Jericho W Petri Discs 6 17 Random Fling
Memorial SW Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray! 17 12 Dim Sum Warriors
7:50 pm Empire N Local Pint 5 13 Piper Palooza
Empire N Throwtatoes 7 11 Gentle Warriors 2
Empire S Frisbaes 12 4 Hehe XD
Empire S Goal Mountain 12 8 AYCE
7:55 pm Balaclava Big DISCount 13 5 Dynamics Disc
Balaclava Try Catch Block 6 13 Hucking Hooligians
Kingcrest Marvellous Meerkatz 13 11 Arbutus Anubis
Kingcrest ReTox 13 9 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
Memorial O Break Side 13 10 Azure D
Memorial O Fullmetal 13 4 Butterfingers
Oak Meadows Burning Sensation! 6 4 Ultimate BBT
Oak Meadows No. 9 Orange 11 6 Steven and the Stevens
Winona N Stacked​ 9 13 Big Disc Pod
Winona N Wok Don't Run. 8 13 Chick Flix
Winona S Eat Disc 11 11 Skywalkers
Winona S JusDISC League 13 4 Victorious Secret
Thu May 23
6:30 pm
Balaclava 90s Throwback 10 8 RainCity Ultimate Club
Balaclava Spinister Motives 13 7 Dragon Sound
Oak Meadows Threwbacca 6 10 Ultimate Scrubs
Oak Meadows Trust The Process 4 7 Pentamala
Winona N Loaf 12 3 Rain City Ultimate Club
Winona N Unfits 6 10 Filet o Flick
Winona S Mediocre At Best 4 13 Jedi Force
Winona S Sauder Stratediscs 7 6 JUST SEND IT
6:45 pm Churchill Oval Disc Infernos 17 8 Ligma Disc
Churchill Oval Tosstitos 12 8 Herniated Discs
Kingcrest 4 Winds 17 6 Ytterbium
Kingcrest Roshi 15 16 Flick N Twisted
Memorial O Jeremy's Disk 17 13 The Gino Odj-discs
Memorial O Teamocil 17 6 At Least My Disc Stays Up
Rupert C Hand of Chal 9 17 Ooga Booga
Rupert C yeet hay 10 17 Intercepticons
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Scoober Doober Doo 12 8 Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday)
Andy Livingstone E Team Toilet Bowl 7 13 Night Cawks
Andy Livingstone W I huck you 3000 5 13 Chester Fields 2.0
Andy Livingstone W Pac-Man 9 10 Wrists of Fury
Empire N friendzone 9 11 Mighty Hucking Power Rangers
Empire N SSB 9 10 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire S BEARHAWKS 6 13 Battlecats and Friends
Empire S Craicheads 10 11 Salt shakers
Jericho W Total Discheads 8 10 Lego Inferno
Jericho W Ultimate Evil 3 13 East Van Halen
Memorial SW Psyhucks 12 4 Lost and Found
Memorial SW The Spinnakers 11 7 Try, Catch, Throw
Trillium E Ddu-du-dumplings 4 9 Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken
Trillium E Sideways Shoe 7 8 WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?!
Trillium W LeBron James Playoff Chances 10 7 Danger Zone
Trillium W Panic at the Discus 6 13 Neon Disc-zaster!
7:55 pm Balaclava 90s Throwback 13 3 Dragon Sound
Balaclava Spinister Motives 13 6 RainCity Ultimate Club
Oak Meadows Threwbacca 6 12 Pentamala
Oak Meadows Trust The Process 7 12 Ultimate Scrubs
Winona N Loaf 7 10 Filet o Flick
Winona N Unfits 10 7 Rain City Ultimate Club
Winona S Mediocre At Best 9 11 JUST SEND IT
Winona S Sauder Stratediscs 8 5 Jedi Force
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Scoober Doober Doo 7 9 Night Cawks
Andy Livingstone E Team Toilet Bowl 10 13 Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday)
Andy Livingstone W I huck you 3000 4 13 Wrists of Fury
Andy Livingstone W Pac-Man 6 7 Chester Fields 2.0
Empire N friendzone 4 13 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire N SSB 13 5 Mighty Hucking Power Rangers
Empire S BEARHAWKS 13 7 Salt shakers
Empire S Craicheads 9 13 Battlecats and Friends
Jericho W Total Discheads 10 9 East Van Halen
Jericho W Ultimate Evil 2 13 Lego Inferno
Memorial SW Psyhucks 9 8 Try, Catch, Throw
Memorial SW The Spinnakers 11 5 Lost and Found
Trillium E Ddu-du-dumplings 3 13 WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?!
Trillium E Sideways Shoe 11 8 Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken
Trillium W LeBron James Playoff Chances 12 6 Neon Disc-zaster!
Trillium W Panic at the Discus 2 13 Danger Zone
Mon May 27
6:30 pm
Memorial O Disconnect 13 7 Koopa Troopas
Memorial O Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 8 13 Doggie Style
Oak Meadows Fire Ferrets 12 13 Throwbocops
Oak Meadows Tsunami 11 11 Soup Du Jour
Point Grey Discord 11 13 yeet haw
Point Grey Strangers 8 10 Bubble Bees
Rupert C BIG DUMPLINGS 3 12 Bigger Disc Energy
Rupert C Tofu Stack 8 10 Just a Fling
Van Tech Oval Chubby Pandas 4 12 Panic with the disc(o)
Van Tech Oval Trigger Happy 10 9 Mister Chung's
6:45 pm Balaclava G-raff A-ttack 11 13 Cuzins
Balaclava The Hucking Fooligans 13 17 SQUIRREL
Empire S Egregious 17 6 The Frisbee's Knees
Empire S Weeble Las Vegas! 16 3 Monday Mix
Jericho E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 11 17 Canada Butters
Jericho E The Cleat Tauruses 17 12 SQUlD
Kingcrest Absolute Chaos 12 17 Mustard Seeds
Winona N Horse is the best animal 17 7 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers
Winona N Unbounce 17 11 Rain City
Winona S BDO 17 9 Bahalalala
Winona S Huckanda Forever! 11 13 The Monday Foxes
7:15 pm Jericho W Doghouse 12 9 Flick It To Ride
Jericho W Hammer Beats Rabbit 13 11 Discalicious
Memorial SW Talk Nerdy To Me 17 6 Double-stranded Cuts
Trillium E Blades of Glory 8 11 Team Adequate
Trillium E Bone Hucks-N-Harmony 12 7 Muzz LordZ
Trillium W Ernold and Friends 9 13 Sky Hoes
Trillium W Marty 13 9 Bigger Blacker Backhands
7:50 pm Point Grey Discord 13 7 Bubble Bees
Point Grey Strangers 8 13 yeet haw
7:55 pm Memorial O Disconnect 13 8 Doggie Style
Memorial O Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 6 13 Koopa Troopas
Oak Meadows Fire Ferrets 13 8 Soup Du Jour
Oak Meadows Tsunami 11 7 Throwbocops
Rupert C BIG DUMPLINGS 9 6 Just a Fling
Rupert C Tofu Stack 12 12 Bigger Disc Energy
Van Tech Oval Chubby Pandas 7 13 Mister Chung's
Van Tech Oval Trigger Happy 11 9 Panic with the disc(o)
8:40 pm Jericho W Doghouse 13 8 Discalicious
Jericho W Hammer Beats Rabbit 13 5 Flick It To Ride
Trillium E Blades of Glory 12 6 Muzz LordZ
Trillium E Bone Hucks-N-Harmony 10 11 Team Adequate
Trillium W Ernold and Friends 11 13 Bigger Blacker Backhands
Trillium W Marty 13 11 Sky Hoes
Tue May 28
6:30 pm
Balaclava Flickachu 3 13 Huck It
Balaclava Suns Out, Guns Out 7 5 Egg Salad Sandwich
Jericho E Rookie Monsters 10 7 Kingsway's Finest
Jericho E Sunny D's 9 8 Gritty in Pink
Kingcrest FLICK YEAH 6 10 The Perogies
Kingcrest subtle asian throwers 5 7 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
Memorial O Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU) 10 11 DiscThrow Inferno
Memorial O Ultimate BBT Too 8 9 Summer Beer League
Oak Meadows Chronically Injured Care Bears 13 2 Tricorne!
Oak Meadows suggondeezhucks 4 8 Flickle Me Elmo
Rupert C Cache The Disc 12 4 Little Giants
Rupert C Disc Monkeys 8 10 Big Disc Energy
Trafalgar NW Go the Disc-tance 8 7 Princess Layout
Trafalgar NW Jane Hua 7 9 FLiC Fam
Van Tech Oval Catchphrase 8 6 New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame
Van Tech Oval Here for the Beer 13 2 Mighty Rookies
6:45 pm John Hendry NE UwUltimate 17 7 freshavocado
Slocan C Those Meddling Kids 16 17 Sugoi
Winona N Dark Side Of The Disc 14 6 The Greendale 7
Winona N The Marauders 7 17 The Frizzles
Winona S Illegal Smile 12 15 Gentle Warriors
Winona S WTF 9 17 Identity Crisis
7:15 pm Trillium E BubbleHucks 9 11 Critters
Trillium E Slowpokes 8 9 Discpicable Me
Trillium W Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles 6 13 Friends of Friends
Trillium W H-Bar 8 13 Plaid to the Bone
7:50 pm Balaclava Flickachu 10 5 Egg Salad Sandwich
Balaclava Suns Out, Guns Out 7 13 Huck It
Jericho E Rookie Monsters 13 7 Gritty in Pink
Jericho E Sunny D's 13 7 Kingsway's Finest
Kingcrest FLICK YEAH 7 8 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
Kingcrest subtle asian throwers 5 8 The Perogies
Memorial O Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU) 10 11 Summer Beer League
Memorial O Ultimate BBT Too 8 13 DiscThrow Inferno
Oak Meadows Chronically Injured Care Bears 6 11 Flickle Me Elmo
Oak Meadows suggondeezhucks 9 5 Tricorne!
Rupert C Cache The Disc 4 6 Big Disc Energy
Rupert C Disc Monkeys 7 8 Little Giants
Trafalgar NW Go the Disc-tance 9 4 FLiC Fam
Trafalgar NW Jane Hua 4 13 Princess Layout
Van Tech Oval Catchphrase 10 2 Mighty Rookies
Van Tech Oval Here for the Beer 13 2 New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame
8:40 pm Trillium E BubbleHucks 12 10 Discpicable Me
Trillium E Slowpokes 6 13 Critters
Trillium W Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles 6 13 Plaid to the Bone
Trillium W H-Bar 5 8 Friends of Friends
Wed May 29
6:30 pm
Empire N Big DISCount 9 7 Burning Sensation!
Empire N Try Catch Block 0 13 No. 9 Orange
Empire S Beta Blockers 9 4 Steven and the Stevens
Empire S Huckin' East Van Canucks 12 4 Ultimate BBT
Kingcrest Hotpot Mafia 8 12 Absolute Zeroes
Kingcrest Xiao Long Baos 13 7 zoi
Memorial O New Disc Who Dis? 11 13 Venom
Memorial O Wyld Throws 12 11 URFT
Strathcona EC Stacked​ 13 6 Eat Disc
Strathcona EC Wok Don't Run. 11 12 JusDISC League
Winona N Local Pint 9 9 Goal Mountain
Winona N Throwtatoes 6 10 Frisbaes
Winona S Dim Sum Warriors 10 8 AYCE
Winona S Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray! 5 9 Hehe XD
6:45 pm Adanac NW 21 Dump Street 13 14 Floppy Discs!
Jericho E Arbutus Anubis 5 13 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
Jericho E Break Side 14 17 Fullmetal
Oak Meadows Batteries Not Included 15 17 Dinner Club
Oak Meadows Moose ick 14 17 Cut Club
Rupert C Petri Discs 10 16 Finger on the Disc
Rupert C Wednesday Wave 17 14 Random Fling
Trafalgar NW Big Disc Pod 14 17 Chick Flix
Winona C Gentle Warriors 2 15 10 Piper Palooza
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Big chungus 11 7 Skywalkers
Andy Livingstone E Likastik 10 9 Victorious Secret
Jericho W Butterfingers 12 17 Azure D
Jericho W ReTox 13 8 Marvellous Meerkatz
Memorial SW Hucking Hooligians 17 5 Dynamics Disc
7:50 pm Empire N Big DISCount 7 8 No. 9 Orange
Empire N Try Catch Block 2 13 Burning Sensation!
Empire S Beta Blockers 7 6 Ultimate BBT
Empire S Huckin' East Van Canucks 13 3 Steven and the Stevens
7:55 pm Kingcrest Hotpot Mafia 9 12 zoi
Kingcrest Xiao Long Baos 9 10 Absolute Zeroes
Memorial O New Disc Who Dis? 13 4 URFT
Memorial O Wyld Throws 12 10 Venom
Strathcona EC Stacked​ 13 6 JusDISC League
Strathcona EC Wok Don't Run. 12 11 Eat Disc
Winona N Local Pint 5 11 Frisbaes
Winona N Throwtatoes 8 7 Goal Mountain
Winona S Dim Sum Warriors 9 10 Hehe XD
Winona S Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray! 8 13 AYCE
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Big chungus 11 8 Victorious Secret
Andy Livingstone E Likastik 11 9 Skywalkers
Thu May 30
6:30 pm
Kingcrest I huck you 3000 11 5 Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday)
Kingcrest Pac-Man 13 7 Night Cawks
Memorial O Psyhucks 13 11 Lego Inferno
Memorial O The Spinnakers 6 11 East Van Halen
Rupert C Scoober Doober Doo 10 6 Chester Fields 2.0
Rupert C Team Toilet Bowl 5 13 Wrists of Fury
Winona S Total Discheads Cancelled Lost and Found
Winona S Ultimate Evil 4 8 Try, Catch, Throw
6:45 pm Balaclava Danger Zone 17 6 Neon Disc-zaster!
Balaclava WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?! 17 9 Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken
Churchill Oval Craicheads Forfeited BEARHAWKS
Churchill Oval SSB 17 6 friendzone
Oak Meadows Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 16 18 Mighty Hucking Power Rangers
Oak Meadows Salt shakers 6 17 Battlecats and Friends
Winona N LeBron James Playoff Chances 17 4 Panic at the Discus
Winona N Sideways Shoe 12 11 Ddu-du-dumplings
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Loaf 13 7 RainCity Ultimate Club
Andy Livingstone E Unfits 11 7 Dragon Sound
Andy Livingstone W 90s Throwback 13 5 Rain City Ultimate Club
Andy Livingstone W Spinister Motives 7 10 Filet o Flick
Empire N Intercepticons 13 8 Ytterbium
Empire N yeet hay 10 13 4 Winds
Empire S Hand of Chal 13 10 Roshi
Empire S Ooga Booga 13 9 Flick N Twisted
Jericho W Mediocre At Best 9 10 Pentamala
Jericho W Sauder Stratediscs 9 7 Ultimate Scrubs
Memorial SW Threwbacca 4 12 JUST SEND IT
Memorial SW Trust The Process 10 11 Jedi Force
Trillium E Disc Infernos 13 10 Jeremy's Disk
Trillium E Ligma Disc 5 13 The Gino Odj-discs
Trillium W Herniated Discs 6 6 At Least My Disc Stays Up
Trillium W Tosstitos 3 13 Teamocil
7:55 pm Kingcrest I huck you 3000 12 5 Night Cawks
Kingcrest Pac-Man 13 6 Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday)
Memorial O Psyhucks 6 11 East Van Halen
Memorial O The Spinnakers 3 13 Lego Inferno
Rupert C Scoober Doober Doo 9 9 Wrists of Fury
Rupert C Team Toilet Bowl 7 9 Chester Fields 2.0
Winona S Total Discheads 12 8 Try, Catch, Throw
Winona S Ultimate Evil 2 12 Lost and Found
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Loaf 9 9 Dragon Sound
Andy Livingstone E Unfits 13 5 RainCity Ultimate Club
Andy Livingstone W 90s Throwback 5 11 Filet o Flick
Andy Livingstone W Spinister Motives 13 3 Rain City Ultimate Club
Empire N Intercepticons 10 13 4 Winds
Empire N yeet hay 12 11 Ytterbium
Empire S Hand of Chal 10 11 Flick N Twisted
Empire S Ooga Booga 13 5 Roshi
Jericho W Mediocre At Best 9 10 Ultimate Scrubs
Jericho W Sauder Stratediscs 8 9 Pentamala
Memorial SW Threwbacca 12 11 Jedi Force
Memorial SW Trust The Process 5 13 JUST SEND IT
Trillium E Disc Infernos 13 10 The Gino Odj-discs
Trillium E Ligma Disc 5 13 Jeremy's Disk
Trillium W Herniated Discs 5 9 Teamocil
Trillium W Tosstitos 13 4 At Least My Disc Stays Up
Mon Jun 3
6:30 pm
Balaclava Bone Hucks-N-Harmony Blades of Glory
Balaclava The Cleat Tauruses 7 11 Team Adequate
Empire N Canada Butters 13 9 Cuzins
Empire N Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 3 13 G-raff A-ttack
Empire S SQUIRREL 8 5 Sky Hoes
Empire S The Hucking Fooligans 9 10 Marty
Oak Meadows Bigger Blacker Backhands 8 13 Fire Ferrets
Oak Meadows Disconnect 12 8 Tsunami
Point Grey Bubble Bees 6 13 Just a Fling
Point Grey Discalicious 11 9 The Monday Foxes
Rupert C Doggie Style 13 8 yeet haw
Rupert C Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 9 9 Strangers
Van Tech Oval Flick It To Ride 10 4 Panic with the disc(o)
Van Tech Oval Trigger Happy 13 6 Discord
Winona C Absolute Chaos 9 6 Horse is the best animal
Winona C Bahalalala 9 10 Chubby Pandas
Winona S BDO 6 4 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers
Winona S Rain City 5 9 Huckanda Forever!
6:45 pm Memorial O Bigger Disc Energy 17 2 Monday Mix
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E The Frisbee's Knees 7 17 Talk Nerdy To Me
Andy Livingstone W Weeble Las Vegas! 15 17 Egregious
Jericho W BIG DUMPLINGS 7 8 Mustard Seeds
Jericho W Mister Chung's 10 8 Tofu Stack
Memorial SW Unbounce 17 7 Double-stranded Cuts
Trillium E Ernold and Friends 13 5 Throwbocops
Trillium E SQUlD 7 13 Muzz LordZ
Trillium W Koopa Troopas 12 10 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Trillium W Soup Du Jour 10 13 Doghouse
7:45 pm Empire N Canada Butters 12 9 G-raff A-ttack
Empire N Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 12 9 Cuzins
Empire S SQUIRREL 10 8 Marty
Empire S The Hucking Fooligans 12 13 Sky Hoes
Point Grey Bubble Bees 13 2 The Monday Foxes
Point Grey Discalicious 7 13 Just a Fling
7:55 pm Balaclava Bone Hucks-N-Harmony 12 11 Team Adequate
Balaclava The Cleat Tauruses 13 10 Blades of Glory
Oak Meadows Bigger Blacker Backhands 12 12 Tsunami
Oak Meadows Disconnect 13 11 Fire Ferrets
Rupert C Doggie Style 12 13 Strangers
Rupert C Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 9 11 yeet haw
Van Tech Oval Flick It To Ride 5 11 Discord
Van Tech Oval Trigger Happy 6 12 Panic with the disc(o)
Winona C Absolute Chaos 12 8 Chubby Pandas
Winona C Bahalalala 13 10 Horse is the best animal
Winona S BDO 8 11 Huckanda Forever!
Winona S Rain City 7 6 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers
8:40 pm Jericho W BIG DUMPLINGS 9 10 Tofu Stack
Jericho W Mister Chung's 12 7 Mustard Seeds
Trillium E Ernold and Friends 10 7 Muzz LordZ
Trillium E SQUlD 9 13 Throwbocops
Trillium W Koopa Troopas 13 11 Doghouse
Trillium W Soup Du Jour 8 13 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Tue Jun 4
6:30 pm
Kingcrest The Frizzles 9 7 BubbleHucks
Kingcrest The Marauders 11 12 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles
Memorial O Go the Disc-tance 9 4 UwUltimate
Memorial O Princess Layout 10 8 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
Oak Meadows Flickachu 9 3 Kingsway's Finest
Oak Meadows Tricorne! 6 8 Egg Salad Sandwich
Van Tech Oval Discpicable Me 6 12 Flickle Me Elmo
Van Tech Oval Slowpokes 13 8 DiscThrow Inferno
Winona C Friends of Friends 13 5 Summer Beer League
Winona C H-Bar 6 9 Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU)
Winona S Chronically Injured Care Bears 7 11 Sugoi
Winona S Ultimate BBT Too 7 10 Huck It
6:45 pm Balaclava Cache The Disc 11 17 New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame
Balaclava Jane Hua 17 4 freshavocado
Jericho E Big Disc Energy 17 5 Little Giants
Jericho E Disc Monkeys 14 13 Mighty Rookies
Slocan C Here for the Beer 17 10 Gritty in Pink
Slocan SW subtle asian throwers 10 17 Catchphrase
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Dark Side Of The Disc 13 5 Identity Crisis
Andy Livingstone E The Greendale 7 6 8 Gentle Warriors
Memorial SW Illegal Smile 13 5 Plaid to the Bone
Memorial SW WTF 13 9 Critters
Trillium E Rookie Monsters 13 7 Those Meddling Kids
Trillium E suggondeezhucks 11 5 Suns Out, Guns Out
Trillium W Sunny D's 10 7 FLiC Fam
Trillium W The Perogies 8 6 FLICK YEAH
7:55 pm Kingcrest The Frizzles 12 13 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles
Kingcrest The Marauders 8 13 BubbleHucks
Memorial O Go the Disc-tance 10 5 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
Memorial O Princess Layout 9 5 UwUltimate
Oak Meadows Flickachu 10 4 Egg Salad Sandwich
Oak Meadows Tricorne! 10 4 Kingsway's Finest
Van Tech Oval Discpicable Me 13 8 DiscThrow Inferno
Van Tech Oval Slowpokes 5 13 Flickle Me Elmo
Winona C Friends of Friends 10 8 Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU)
Winona C H-Bar 11 9 Summer Beer League
Winona S Chronically Injured Care Bears 3 13 Huck It
Winona S Ultimate BBT Too 10 9 Sugoi
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Dark Side Of The Disc 13 7 Gentle Warriors
Andy Livingstone E The Greendale 7 13 11 Identity Crisis
Memorial SW Illegal Smile 13 11 Critters
Memorial SW WTF 13 9 Plaid to the Bone
Trillium E Rookie Monsters 9 8 Suns Out, Guns Out
Trillium E suggondeezhucks 11 8 Those Meddling Kids
Trillium W Sunny D's 7 8 FLICK YEAH
Trillium W The Perogies 7 10 FLiC Fam
Wed Jun 5
6:30 pm
Adanac NW Gentle Warriors 2 Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray!
Adanac NW Piper Palooza 8 9 No. 9 Orange
Empire N Break Side 8 10 ReTox
Empire N Fullmetal 10 4 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
Empire S Azure D 13 8 Xiao Long Baos
Empire S Marvellous Meerkatz Cancelled New Disc Who Dis?
Jericho E Skywalkers 11 7 Big chungus
Jericho E Wok Don't Run. 8 9 Victorious Secret
Kingcrest AYCE 10 11 Local Pint
Kingcrest Throwtatoes 5 10 Goal Mountain
Memorial O Beta Blockers 10 8 Dynamics Disc
Memorial O Hucking Hooligians 12 9 Steven and the Stevens
Oak Meadows Arbutus Anubis 13 1 Wyld Throws
Oak Meadows Butterfingers 13 9 Venom
Rupert C Hotpot Mafia 6 10 Eat Disc
Rupert C URFT 10 9 JusDISC League
Winona S Big Disc Pod 12 6 Stacked​
Winona S Likastik 9 11 Chick Flix
6:45 pm Balaclava Floppy Discs! 9 13 Random Fling
Balaclava Petri Discs 6 17 21 Dump Street
Slocan C Ultimate BBT 6 12 Try Catch Block
Trafalgar NW Burning Sensation! 11 12 Huckin' East Van Canucks
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Batteries Not Included 17 8 Finger on the Disc
Andy Livingstone E Cut Club 17 10 Wednesday Wave
Jericho W Dim Sum Warriors 8 5 Big DISCount
Jericho W Frisbaes 7 8 Hehe XD
Memorial SW Moose ick 8 17 Dinner Club
Memorial SW zoi 12 17 Absolute Zeroes
7:45 pm Empire N Break Side 12 13 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
Empire N Fullmetal 10 13 ReTox
Empire S Azure D 11 9 New Disc Who Dis?
Empire S Marvellous Meerkatz Cancelled Xiao Long Baos
7:55 pm Adanac NW Gentle Warriors 2 8 9 No. 9 Orange
Adanac NW Piper Palooza Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray!
Jericho E Skywalkers 12 7 Victorious Secret
Jericho E Wok Don't Run. 10 7 Big chungus
Kingcrest AYCE 10 11 Goal Mountain
Kingcrest Throwtatoes 7 8 Local Pint
Memorial O Beta Blockers 8 6 Steven and the Stevens
Memorial O Hucking Hooligians 13 7 Dynamics Disc
Oak Meadows Arbutus Anubis 13 8 Venom
Oak Meadows Butterfingers 13 3 Wyld Throws
Rupert C Hotpot Mafia 8 7 JusDISC League
Rupert C URFT 7 13 Eat Disc
Winona S Big Disc Pod 7 13 Chick Flix
Winona S Likastik 13 4 Stacked​
8:40 pm Jericho W Dim Sum Warriors 5 13 Hehe XD
Jericho W Frisbaes 11 13 Big DISCount
Thu Jun 6
6:30 pm
Balaclava Battlecats and Friends 8 9 BEARHAWKS
Balaclava Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 7 5 SSB
Churchill Oval Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken 4 7 Jeremy's Disk
Churchill Oval Sideways Shoe 10 10 Disc Infernos
Kingcrest friendzone 11 4 Ytterbium
Kingcrest Roshi 10 7 Night Cawks
Memorial O Chester Fields 2.0 4 9 Unfits
Memorial O Scoober Doober Doo 7 9 90s Throwback
Oak Meadows 4 Winds 11 6 Flick N Twisted
Oak Meadows Mighty Hucking Power Rangers 12 10 Ooga Booga
Rupert C RainCity Ultimate Club 12 6 Rain City Ultimate Club
Rupert C Teamocil 7 8 Dragon Sound
Winona C Panic at the Discus 3 13 Ligma Disc
Winona C The Gino Odj-discs 9 3 At Least My Disc Stays Up
Winona S Psyhucks 4 9 JUST SEND IT
Winona S Try, Catch, Throw 10 5 Pentamala
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Lost and Found 12 6 Ultimate Evil
Andy Livingstone E Sauder Stratediscs 6 12 Jedi Force
Andy Livingstone W Trust The Process 8 12 Mediocre At Best
Andy Livingstone W Ultimate Scrubs 11 12 Threwbacca
Empire N Craicheads 12 10 yeet hay
Empire N Salt shakers 10 13 Hand of Chal
Empire S Intercepticons 13 3 Pac-Man
Empire S Wrists of Fury 8 11 Filet o Flick
Jericho W Danger Zone 17 16 WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?!
Jericho W Loaf 10 17 LeBron James Playoff Chances
Memorial SW I huck you 3000 17 10 Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday)
Memorial SW Team Toilet Bowl 12 17 Spinister Motives
Trillium E Ddu-du-dumplings 6 9 Tosstitos
Trillium E Neon Disc-zaster! 8 8 Herniated Discs
Trillium W Lego Inferno 13 2 The Spinnakers
Trillium W Total Discheads 13 9 East Van Halen
7:55 pm Balaclava Battlecats and Friends 8 12 SSB
Balaclava Little Lebowski Urban Achievers BEARHAWKS
Churchill Oval Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken 5 13 Disc Infernos
Churchill Oval Sideways Shoe 8 10 Jeremy's Disk
Kingcrest friendzone Night Cawks
Kingcrest Roshi 13 4 Ytterbium
Memorial O Chester Fields 2.0 12 4 90s Throwback
Memorial O Scoober Doober Doo 6 13 Unfits
Oak Meadows 4 Winds 9 13 Ooga Booga
Oak Meadows Mighty Hucking Power Rangers 9 11 Flick N Twisted
Rupert C RainCity Ultimate Club 6 10 Dragon Sound
Rupert C Teamocil 11 4 Rain City Ultimate Club
Winona C Panic at the Discus Forfeited At Least My Disc Stays Up
Winona C The Gino Odj-discs 3 13 Ligma Disc
Winona S Psyhucks 5 7 Pentamala
Winona S Try, Catch, Throw 10 5 JUST SEND IT
8:40 pm Empire N Craicheads 13 3 Hand of Chal
Empire N Salt shakers 3 13 yeet hay
Empire S Intercepticons 13 1 Filet o Flick
Empire S Wrists of Fury 10 13 Pac-Man
Trillium E Ddu-du-dumplings 4 10 Herniated Discs
Trillium E Neon Disc-zaster! 9 11 Tosstitos
Trillium W Lego Inferno 9 5 East Van Halen
Trillium W Total Discheads 12 6 The Spinnakers
Mon Jun 10
6:30 pm
Kingcrest Canada Butters 13 7 SQUIRREL
Kingcrest Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 15 10 The Hucking Fooligans
Memorial O Cuzins 13 7 Sky Hoes
Memorial O G-raff A-ttack 13 4 Marty
Point Grey Strangers 9 10 Flick It To Ride
Point Grey yeet haw 8 11 Trigger Happy
Winona C Just a Fling Default Mister Chung's
Winona C The Monday Foxes 2 11 BIG DUMPLINGS
Winona S Mustard Seeds 12 6 Double-stranded Cuts
Winona S Tofu Stack 10 4 Unbounce
6:45 pm Balaclava Bubble Bees 11 16 Discalicious
Oak Meadows Egregious 17 11 The Frisbee's Knees
Oak Meadows Talk Nerdy To Me 12 17 Weeble Las Vegas!
Rupert C Muzz LordZ 13 8 Throwbocops
Rupert C SQUlD Cancelled Ernold and Friends
Van Tech Oval Hammer Beats Rabbit 12 14 Doghouse
Van Tech Oval Koopa Troopas 15 14 Soup Du Jour
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Absolute Chaos 9 6 Rain City
Andy Livingstone E Bahalalala 6 5 BDO
Andy Livingstone W Chubby Pandas 8 5 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers
Andy Livingstone W Horse is the best animal 7 8 Huckanda Forever!
Jericho W Discord 10 7 Bigger Disc Energy
Jericho W Panic with the disc(o) 13 1 Monday Mix
Memorial SW Doggie Style 17 11 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Trillium E Bone Hucks-N-Harmony 13 12 Disconnect
Trillium E The Cleat Tauruses 8 12 Bigger Blacker Backhands
Trillium W Blades of Glory 13 9 Tsunami
Trillium W Team Adequate Forfeited Fire Ferrets
7:45 pm Point Grey Strangers 11 6 Trigger Happy
Point Grey yeet haw 13 1 Flick It To Ride
7:55 pm Kingcrest Canada Butters 13 7 The Hucking Fooligans
Kingcrest Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 9 13 SQUIRREL
Memorial O Cuzins 13 7 Marty
Memorial O G-raff A-ttack 13 11 Sky Hoes
Winona C Just a Fling 13 0 BIG DUMPLINGS
Winona C The Monday Foxes Default Mister Chung's
Winona S Mustard Seeds 5 13 Unbounce
Winona S Tofu Stack 13 6 Double-stranded Cuts
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Absolute Chaos 7 8 BDO
Andy Livingstone E Bahalalala 8 5 Rain City
Andy Livingstone W Chubby Pandas 6 7 Huckanda Forever!
Andy Livingstone W Horse is the best animal 12 2 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers
Jericho W Discord 13 1 Monday Mix
Jericho W Panic with the disc(o) 12 5 Bigger Disc Energy
Trillium E Bone Hucks-N-Harmony 12 13 Bigger Blacker Backhands
Trillium E The Cleat Tauruses 8 13 Disconnect
Trillium W Blades of Glory Forfeited Fire Ferrets
Trillium W Team Adequate 13 12 Tsunami
Tue Jun 11
6:30 pm
Balaclava Egg Salad Sandwich 6 9 Go the Disc-tance
Balaclava Kingsway's Finest 10 9 Princess Layout
Jericho E Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken! 9 5 subtle asian throwers
Jericho E UwUltimate 1 13 Catchphrase
Kingcrest Dark Side Of The Disc 13 9 Illegal Smile
Kingcrest The Greendale 7 3 11 WTF
Memorial O FLiC Fam 5 8 Here for the Beer
Memorial O FLICK YEAH 8 7 Gritty in Pink
Oak Meadows Suns Out, Guns Out 10 7 Sunny D's
Oak Meadows Those Meddling Kids 5 9 The Perogies
Van Tech Oval Gentle Warriors 13 4 Critters
Van Tech Oval Identity Crisis 9 8 Plaid to the Bone
Winona C The Frizzles 11 6 Discpicable Me
Winona C The Marauders 13 7 Slowpokes
Winona S Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles 13 9 DiscThrow Inferno
Winona S BubbleHucks 7 6 Flickle Me Elmo
6:45 pm Slocan C suggondeezhucks 17 8 Rookie Monsters
Winona N Flickachu 17 7 Tricorne!
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E freshavocado 7 12 New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame
Andy Livingstone E Jane Hua 8 7 Cache The Disc
Memorial SW Big Disc Energy 10 8 Disc Monkeys
Memorial SW Little Giants 4 7 Mighty Rookies
Trillium E Friends of Friends 17 16 H-Bar
Trillium E Summer Beer League 17 4 Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU)
Trillium W Huck It 17 15 Sugoi
Trillium W Ultimate BBT Too 17 4 Chronically Injured Care Bears
7:55 pm Balaclava Egg Salad Sandwich 6 7 Princess Layout
Balaclava Kingsway's Finest 8 7 Go the Disc-tance
Jericho E Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken! 10 5 Catchphrase
Jericho E UwUltimate 4 8 subtle asian throwers
Kingcrest Dark Side Of The Disc 13 8 WTF
Kingcrest The Greendale 7 3 13 Illegal Smile
Memorial O FLiC Fam 10 5 Gritty in Pink
Memorial O FLICK YEAH 6 13 Here for the Beer
Oak Meadows Suns Out, Guns Out 4 10 The Perogies
Oak Meadows Those Meddling Kids 6 6 Sunny D's
Van Tech Oval Gentle Warriors 13 8 Plaid to the Bone
Van Tech Oval Identity Crisis 11 11 Critters
Winona C The Frizzles Slowpokes
Winona C The Marauders 10 11 Discpicable Me
Winona S Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles 9 9 Flickle Me Elmo
Winona S BubbleHucks 13 5 DiscThrow Inferno
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E freshavocado 8 13 Cache The Disc
Andy Livingstone E Jane Hua 9 9 New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame
Memorial SW Big Disc Energy 11 6 Mighty Rookies
Memorial SW Little Giants 8 11 Disc Monkeys
Wed Jun 12
6:30 pm
Adanac NW Venom 9 8 Stacked​
Adanac NW Wyld Throws 9 13 Chick Flix
Jericho E Hotpot Mafia 6 7 Gentle Warriors 2
Jericho E URFT 13 5 Piper Palooza
Kingcrest Big chungus 13 10 Frisbaes
Kingcrest Victorious Secret 7 6 Dim Sum Warriors
Memorial O Big DISCount 7 8 Huckin' East Van Canucks
Memorial O Hehe XD 8 7 Burning Sensation!
Oak Meadows ReTox 13 5 Marvellous Meerkatz
Oak Meadows Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go 13 8 Azure D
Rupert C Arbutus Anubis 12 7 Likastik
Rupert C Butterfingers 13 9 Big Disc Pod
Winona S New Disc Who Dis? 9 11 Absolute Zeroes
Winona S Xiao Long Baos 8 11 zoi
6:45 pm Balaclava Fullmetal 17 16 Break Side
Balaclava Skywalkers 17 11 Wok Don't Run.
Empire N Finger on the Disc 4 17 Moose ick
Empire S Dinner Club 17 10 Cut Club
Empire S Wednesday Wave 4 17 Batteries Not Included
Slocan C 21 Dump Street 10 15 Random Fling
Strathcona EC Floppy Discs! 17 8 Petri Discs
Trafalgar NW Throwtatoes 8 16 AYCE
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Dynamics Disc 13 5 Try Catch Block
Andy Livingstone E Steven and the Stevens 5 9 Ultimate BBT
Jericho W Eat Disc 13 2 Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray!
Jericho W JusDISC League 11 3 No. 9 Orange
Memorial SW Goal Mountain 10 8 Hucking Hooligians
Memorial SW Local Pint 7 6 Beta Blockers
7:55 pm Adanac NW Venom 10 13 Chick Flix
Adanac NW Wyld Throws 8 11 Stacked​
Jericho E Hotpot Mafia 9 12 Piper Palooza
Jericho E URFT 13 11 Gentle Warriors 2
Kingcrest Big chungus 13 10 Dim Sum Warriors
Kingcrest Victorious Secret 10 9 Frisbaes
Memorial O Big DISCount 9 9 Burning Sensation!
Memorial O Hehe XD 10 8 Huckin' East Van Canucks
Oak Meadows ReTox 13 8 Azure D
Oak Meadows Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go 13 9 Marvellous Meerkatz
Rupert C Arbutus Anubis 13 11 Big Disc Pod
Rupert C Butterfingers 13 8 Likastik
Winona S New Disc Who Dis? 10 8 zoi
Winona S Xiao Long Baos 13 12 Absolute Zeroes
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Dynamics Disc 8 6 Ultimate BBT
Andy Livingstone E Steven and the Stevens 13 3 Try Catch Block
Jericho W Eat Disc 13 6 No. 9 Orange
Jericho W JusDISC League 13 3 Three Cheers for Hip Hip Hooray!
Memorial SW Goal Mountain 12 8 Beta Blockers
Memorial SW Local Pint 7 9 Hucking Hooligians
Thu Jun 13
6:30 pm
Balaclava Lost and Found 10 3 Sauder Stratediscs
Balaclava Ultimate Evil 10 4 Jedi Force
Churchill Oval LeBron James Playoff Chances Cancelled WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?!
Churchill Oval Loaf Forfeited Danger Zone
Kingcrest Craicheads 13 3 Intercepticons
Kingcrest Salt shakers 10 9 Wrists of Fury
Memorial O Hand of Chal 11 9 Filet o Flick
Memorial O yeet hay 13 7 Pac-Man
Oak Meadows Threwbacca 1 13 Mediocre At Best
Oak Meadows Ultimate Scrubs Cancelled Trust The Process
Rupert C Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday) 7 11 Spinister Motives
Rupert C I huck you 3000 5 13 Team Toilet Bowl
Winona C Ddu-du-dumplings 2 11 Lego Inferno
Winona C Neon Disc-zaster! 5 9 Total Discheads
Winona S Herniated Discs 6 10 East Van Halen
Winona S Tosstitos Forfeited The Spinnakers
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Ligma Disc Forfeited At Least My Disc Stays Up
Andy Livingstone E Panic at the Discus 2 15 The Gino Odj-discs
Andy Livingstone W JUST SEND IT 12 11 Pentamala
Andy Livingstone W Psyhucks 7 17 Try, Catch, Throw
Empire N Battlecats and Friends Cancelled Mighty Hucking Power Rangers
Empire N Little Lebowski Urban Achievers Cancelled 4 Winds
Empire S BEARHAWKS Default Ooga Booga
Empire S SSB 13 4 Flick N Twisted
Jericho W 90s Throwback 10 13 Unfits
Jericho W Scoober Doober Doo 20 19 Chester Fields 2.0
Memorial SW friendzone 7 17 Roshi
Memorial SW Ytterbium 17 8 Night Cawks
Trillium E RainCity Ultimate Club 9 10 Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken
Trillium E Teamocil 9 10 Sideways Shoe
Trillium W Dragon Sound 8 12 Disc Infernos
Trillium W Rain City Ultimate Club Cancelled Jeremy's Disk
7:55 pm Balaclava Lost and Found 8 4 Jedi Force
Balaclava Ultimate Evil 10 4 Sauder Stratediscs
Churchill Oval LeBron James Playoff Chances 6 13 Danger Zone
Churchill Oval Loaf Cancelled WHAT THE FLICK RICHARD?!
Kingcrest Craicheads 13 7 Wrists of Fury
Kingcrest Salt shakers 7 5 Intercepticons
Memorial O Hand of Chal 10 13 Pac-Man
Memorial O yeet hay 13 9 Filet o Flick
Oak Meadows Threwbacca Forfeited Trust The Process
Oak Meadows Ultimate Scrubs 7 11 Mediocre At Best
Rupert C Apocalyptic Very Furry Rhinos (Thursday) 3 9 Team Toilet Bowl
Rupert C I huck you 3000 11 13 Spinister Motives
Winona C Ddu-du-dumplings 6 12 Total Discheads
Winona C Neon Disc-zaster! 5 8 Lego Inferno
Winona S Herniated Discs 11 6 The Spinnakers
Winona S Tosstitos Forfeited East Van Halen
8:40 pm Empire N Battlecats and Friends Cancelled 4 Winds
Empire N Little Lebowski Urban Achievers Cancelled Mighty Hucking Power Rangers
Empire S BEARHAWKS 11 4 Flick N Twisted
Empire S SSB Forfeited Ooga Booga
Trillium E RainCity Ultimate Club 7 9 Sideways Shoe
Trillium E Teamocil 7 9 Game of Throws: Unbowed, Unbent, Usually Broken
Trillium W Dragon Sound Cancelled Jeremy's Disk
Trillium W Rain City Ultimate Club 3 13 Disc Infernos
Mon Jun 17
6:30 pm
Oak Meadows Chubby Pandas 9 10 BDO
Oak Meadows Horse is the best animal 13 0 Rain City
Point Grey Ernold and Friends 13 9 Soup Du Jour
Point Grey SQUlD 11 10 Koopa Troopas
Winona C Doggie Style 13 6 Discord
Winona C Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 7 7 Panic with the disc(o)
Winona S Flick It To Ride 9 9 Just a Fling
Winona S Trigger Happy 10 7 Bigger Disc Energy
6:45 pm Balaclava The Frisbee's Knees 8 17 Weeble Las Vegas!
Empire N Monday Mix 15 13 The Monday Foxes
Jericho E Talk Nerdy To Me 10 17 Egregious
Killarney C yeet haw 13 17 Strangers
Rupert C Team Adequate 17 15 Blades of Glory
Rupert C The Cleat Tauruses 14 17 Bone Hucks-N-Harmony
Van Tech Oval Bigger Blacker Backhands 17 16 Disconnect
Van Tech Oval Fire Ferrets 17 11 Tsunami
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Bubble Bees 4 13 Tofu Stack
Andy Livingstone E Discalicious 13 4 Mustard Seeds
Andy Livingstone W BIG DUMPLINGS 13 2 Double-stranded Cuts
Andy Livingstone W Mister Chung's 9 12 Unbounce
Jericho W Muzz LordZ 13 8 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Jericho W Throwbocops 10 12 Doghouse
Memorial SW Absolute Chaos 13 6 Huckanda Forever!
Memorial SW Bahalalala 11 7 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers
Trillium E Canada Butters 13 6 Sky Hoes
Trillium E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 12 6 Marty
Trillium W Cuzins 12 9 SQUIRREL
Trillium W G-raff A-ttack 13 2 The Hucking Fooligans
7:45 pm Point Grey Ernold and Friends 12 8 Koopa Troopas
Point Grey SQUlD 13 11 Soup Du Jour
7:55 pm Oak Meadows Chubby Pandas 13 2 Rain City
Oak Meadows Horse is the best animal 7 10 BDO
Winona C Doggie Style 13 9 Panic with the disc(o)
Winona C Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 12 13 Discord
Winona S Flick It To Ride 10 13 Bigger Disc Energy
Winona S Trigger Happy 6 5 Just a Fling
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Bubble Bees 13 1 Mustard Seeds
Andy Livingstone E Discalicious 4 13 Tofu Stack
Andy Livingstone W BIG DUMPLINGS 12 8 Unbounce
Andy Livingstone W Mister Chung's 9 7 Double-stranded Cuts
Jericho W Muzz LordZ 12 13 Doghouse
Jericho W Throwbocops 13 9 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Memorial SW Absolute Chaos 13 6 3FC: Frantic Flying Frisbee Chuckers
Memorial SW Bahalalala 13 12 Huckanda Forever!
Trillium E Canada Butters 13 5 Marty
Trillium E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 13 5 Sky Hoes
Trillium W Cuzins 13 4 The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium W G-raff A-ttack 13 5 SQUIRREL
Tue Jun 18
6:30 pm
Balaclava Rookie Monsters 13 6 FLICK YEAH
Balaclava suggondeezhucks 5 9 FLiC Fam
Jericho E Sunny D's 9 5 Here for the Beer
Jericho E The Perogies 8 6 Gritty in Pink
Kingcrest freshavocado 7 9 Little Giants
Kingcrest Jane Hua 9 7 Big Disc Energy
Memorial O Black Lotus Ultimate (BLU) 10 8 Sugoi
Memorial O Summer Beer League 4 10 Huck It
Oak Meadows Friends of Friends 7 8 Ultimate BBT Too
Oak Meadows H-Bar 13 5 Chronically Injured Care Bears
Van Tech Oval Cache The Disc 8 7 Disc Monkeys
Van Tech Oval New ULTIMATE BEAST INFECTION: The Next Generation Redux Part 2 Phase 3 Midgame 13 5 Mighty Rookies
Winona C Dark Side Of The Disc 13 7 Plaid to the Bone
Winona C The Greendale 7 8 5 Critters
Winona S Gentle Warriors 8 6 WTF
Winona S Identity Crisis 9 10 Illegal Smile
6:45 pm Churchill Oval Kingsway's Finest Forfeited Egg Salad Sandwich
Churchill Oval Suns Out, Guns Out 14 13 Those Meddling Kids
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Flickachu 7 6 Huck Hunt: Release the Quacken!
Andy Livingstone E Tricorne! 5 6 UwUltimate
Memorial SW Go the Disc-tance 8 8 Catchphrase
Memorial SW Princess Layout 9 7 subtle asian throwers
Trillium E BubbleHucks 17 13 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles
Trillium E The Frizzles 15 13 The